We are pleased to share the news that new investment for paths, trails and an active leisure hub in Newcastleton have become a reality thanks to substantial investment from funders and the local community.
The next phase of Newcastleton’s Holm Hill, the Active Leisure Strategy, gets underway with a £500k investment from funding partners.
This phase provides funding for old paths to be reopened and creation of new mountain bike trails to complement the existing 7Stanes mountain bike network.
“We are locked in our small parcel of land and want to create a better, more sustainable life for our grandchildren, owning land and assets enable us to do that. These investments continue to follow a sustainable model; providing enhanced local facilities for our community whilst attract others to enjoy our landscape and heritage. It is a privilege to be able to share what we have with visitors; these investments will attract more to visit stay and play and in turn increase our economic viability and inward investment from others. It is the next step of our journey and we are thrilled to be starting it.”
Greg Cuthbert, Chair of Newcastleton Community Trust